Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mommy was busy with the camera today!

We are wearing a special hat made for us by our Great Grandma!

Mommy is abusing us!
She put is in pillow cases together just because she can... 
We'll get her back when we get older!

Mommy also got some artistic nude pics of us to
blackmail us when we are older but we begged her not to share,
at least she listened this time, geeshhh!

For my records:
They had their first vegetable today.. organic squash. They both liked it.
I'm giving them veggies first so they don't get too used to the sweetness
of fruits and refuse veggies in the future.. let's see how that works out.
Up until now they've only had rice and oatmeal cereal,
once in the morning and once at night.
They are getting so big!


Anonymous said...

Love the pillow case pictures. :)

Anonymous said...

love the black and white pics