Monday, March 28, 2011

Natty don't cry!
Here let me kiss your pain away, muah!

Yes, Noah Thank You!!!

That's what little brothers are for =)

Noah just said "Ma"....
I win this one Jeff, ha!
He only said it once, but he said it... that's my boy!
Come on can do it too! You must say "Ma" before "Da" also, okay???

* They are starting to sit up on their own.
No more than a minute but they are balancing themselves pretty good.
* They are very VERY interested in "grown ups" food. When they see us eating they open their mouths also.
* They love to roll! They both roll on both directions from back to front and from front to back. Noah loves to keep rolling and rolling until he gets off the mat... silly boy!
* Natalia has been crawling backwards, very little, for a few weeks now.
*Now she crawled 3 steps forward last night. She tries to get on her knees constantly.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I will not allow any mobility... tell the to stop it already!!
so cute :) I love them!