Friday, April 1, 2011

Haha their faces gets stained when they eat carrots!
(This is their 3rd day eating carrots)

Natalia ALSO said "Ma" first =)
She said it at my sister's yesterday.. and the night
before Jeff said he thinks she said it but wasn't sure
(I think he just doesn't want to admit to it lol)
And I heard her clearly say Mama today!

Noah only said "Ma" once more since the first time,
and he is also starting to crawl!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have said it before and I will say it again (and probably again and again and again) but they are growing up WAY too quickly. I love their overalls - so stinkin' cute!!!!! Does Natalia love Sophie the Giraffe (that's her name right?) I've heard such good things about that giraffe!
Smooches to the kiddos :)